Monday, January 22, 2007

We talk to trees...and of course they do listen to us


Peace Tree Centre said...

Talking to trees is such a wonderful idea!

earthling said...

Talking to trees actually nourishes them and makes them grow healthier and greener.
Plants/Trees that have been spoken to, have been proven to bear bigger, more colorful flowers than those without the interaction.
Also, when you talk to them, they exude a certain kind of energy that you can absorb so that you too are nourished.

NatureandI said...

Welcome to the blog Neil, and did you know every single thing in the Nature around us are filled with energy that is ready to be absorbed?
Is is wonderful if you learn the knack to communicate with them in your own special way!
Believe me, I have tried!

NatureandI said...

Yes, talking to trees really help them and us. Its like a mutual benefit. We both gain out of this relationship.